Bandtransport Europe BV likes to make your life easy. Open sections of conveyor belt can be easily and quickly ordered through our online customer portal MyBTE. Simple and convenient: you select the desired belt type, number of belts, length and width. You can calculate the price of your belt right away with the click of a button.

After having checked your order and adding comments, you simply complete your order. Delivery to a different address? Just change it in MyBTE.

This online ordering option enables you to place orders wherever and whenever you want, on your computer, tablet or mobile. Price and product information is available for you straight away, no need to wait until the next morning. 

Visit to view and start using this new tool. If you have any questions or comments, please call us on +31 (0)251 319 119.


Use your smartphone!

Of course you don’t spend all day behind the computer. And sometimes things need to be done quickly. That is why MyBTE is entirely compatible with smartphones and tablets. This means you can access this convenient tool whenever, wherever you are.