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Fabric in great measure determinant part 2

This blog is a continuation of Weave in great determination part 1 where you will find information about the weaving pattern among other things. In this blog I tell a bit more about the yarns used for the weave. Click here for the whole blog.  

Weave in major determinant part 1

Customers sometimes ask me how I determine which type of conveyor is best for their application. This choice depends on a lot of different factors. Because of this, we like to bring the customer along and inform them with our blogs. This blog is about the fabric in a conveyor and is part 1/3.

Click here for the full blog.

BTE 10 years old

Bandtransport Europe was already 10 years old september 2020. Over the years, our workshop has grown into one of the largest in Europe. Employees, partners and customers, thank you so much. On to the next 10 years!


New generation PE conveyor belts

The new generation PE conveyor belts has excellent release properties, a high chemical resistance and is suitable for smaller pulley diameters. Use of frayless fabric ensures a reduced risk of product contamination with fibers.

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